Don’t Box Me…

Creativity Secrets
2 min readAug 8, 2022


No, No One Style…

As an artist, I do not wish to box myself or be known for a particular style/theme/medium. I try and experiment towards whatever I am drawn towards in that moment in time. Above is a snapshot from my Instagram art feed (@artAbhay).

I believe you can limit and restrict your artistic journey and growth by trying to stick to one style/theme/medium, especially early on…

let it flow instead…give your personal & artistic evolution a chance…

If you have limits because of lack of training or skills then that is a separate matter(the reason for a lot of post-modern art)…though I would encourage you to push yourself and test and overcome those limits instead of giving up too soon…

Let it flow instead…give your personal & artistic evolution a chance…

Don’t restrict and curb your creative instincts and expressions for validation/commercial/business reasons, towards pleasing (or catering to the limited bandwidth of) those self-proclaimed art aficionados and experts(aka gallery owners/collectors/curators/“teachers” etal) who may not know any better/much…

let it flow instead…give your personal & artistic evolution a chance…

Trying to force fit a ‘process’ box around creativity, design or innovation? There is an inherent contradiction there. Creativity is fluid and free — it cannot be contained, let alone within a box. Structure and process can kill creativity, and suffocate the creative soul.

There is no one process. There are however some guiding principles, sub-processes, and lessons that can help one create — aka Creativity Secrets.

The book “Creativity Secrets” deep-dives into various creativity principles and helps you overcome growth-inhibiting widely held beliefs of trying to box oneself in an artistic style or a typical/”acceptable” career profile/progression.



Get the book: “CREATIVITY SECRETS: Creativity Secrets & Musings for Creating Your Own Masterpiece”, 2018, by ABHAY (Wharton MBA, Artist, Entrepreneur).

Abhay’s Art portfolio :



Creativity Secrets
Creativity Secrets

Written by Creativity Secrets

Creativity secrets, processes, fundamentals & more…to help you take the leap, push your imagination, and create:

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